Some will agree, both bookworms and party animals and everything in between. Others won't agree, and yes it does matter, though it doesn't affect how I feel about school. School has always been part of me, and it will continue to be (or at least I think so). Trues there is more to life than just schooling. That become even clearer when you consider that there is parenting ahead. Another challenging world I am anticipating to live in. However since the wedding bells haven't rang yet, we better focus on school.
I was out of school for a year, after things didn't work out accordingly at
University of KwaZulu Natal, Westville Campus. The idea of being home for a year didn't sounds right, but I thought a gap year was ideal, so I can make up my mind on what exactly I wanted to do with my life, have a full picture on what exactly would I like to invest my precious time into. Thanks to Kushobani Org., Durban Poetry & Art industry, and entertainment as a whole. It's a year later now, honestly I don't feel like I flushes a year away, actually i didn't. Instead I've invested a lot into my future with regards into finding the direction.

I learned a lot during my gap year. Tasting a complete new life since I started school at the age of six. Interacting with talented and much creative youth, not-yet employed undergraduate students, art "experts" and a lot of people who added value into my little life granted to me by the highest God.

It's 2012 now and I'm back to my roots... back to my books (laughing). Schooling is sooo cool. Especially now that I'm doing a course I personally "think" I like. On my first three months of schooling, having made a lots of cool friends around
Durban University of Technology, ML Sultan Campus, with wide variety of backgrounds, adapted to a new environment of studying, but most of all; achieved good looking marks on almost all my modules(I will be boasting to reveal the exact marks*). To all the students who had enough courage to pick up their bruised egos and pursue a 2nd qualification after a first attempt, I say big up.
Like I said earlier on... Skwl iz Kwl...