Thursday, December 4, 2014


Having branded and promoted Skhanda Nation since 2007 through media such as radio, social media and events. An upcoming Hip Hop artist named Mfundo Tshodeni, popular known as MT,  felt  reaped-off by Ntokozo Mdluli's move to name his latest album Skhanda Republic, recently released under CASH TIME LIFE.

In his latest single published on YouTube, Tshodeni points out he's rediculed by Mdluli claims that he wasn't aware of the existance of either Tshodeni or Skhanda Nation. This left Tshodeni fuming all the way to the studio to compose and immediately release a single titled "Skhanda Nation vs Skhanda Republic," that explicitely disses on Mdluli and claims he stole Skhanda Rap from Tshodeni. 

Since it's release on YouTube, Skhanda Nation vs Skhanda Republic has been making waves, hitting +13 000 views within the period of two months. It is rare for an unsigned artist to have such stats on YouTube. This could be viewed as the maturity of this beef boiling up between Tshodeni and Mdluli. Since the release of Skhanda Republic in October, a steady number of rappers is gradually claiming to be doing Skhanda Rap and the common thread connecting all their so called Skhanda Rap is how it sounds like KID X  and KO's  singles Pass n Special and Caracara respectively. Which reveals lack of research amongst upcoming artists and pre-maturity of adopting concept without understanding. 

In an brief interview I had with MT, he voiced out how he intends to expose Mdluli for what he is, emphasising how he invested his time, effort and resources in branding Skhanda Nation into what it is today. Especially on YFM's Hip Hop Show, Siz 'n Scoop, hosted by Sizwe Dhlomo and Siyabonga Ngwekazi. It remains unclear why Mdluli, having built his brand tirelessly since the days of Teargas, had to borrow some creativity and brand associations from Mr Tshodeni. While you are busy enjoying KO's album, expect this beef to surface anytime soon, as MT proves to be ticking time bomb, coming out underground. 




Friday, August 22, 2014


Siyabonga Sokhela

from: Siyabonga Sokhela
to: Khanyisile Willem <209199555"">
date: Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 4:12 PM
subject: No Crushs
"One thing I can confirm is the fact that non of us was the reason for us to esparate and I think the fact that we are still communicating is the evidence.
My intention was not to hurt you. I actually wanted the best for the two of us and I triely believe that what we gonna get. according to the world there is no actual reason why we should separate but considering the fact that I am a christian, there are reasons. I understands you dont like it when I refar to the word of God but the truth is; it is the central part of my life. I no longer live just in my flesh but in the spirit also.
Indeed we had a wonderful relationship, I'm happy of all things that happened between us, it would be a great pleasure if we can do it again in future, but then it should be done in the "christian" way. indeed you are a great woman and you deserve nothing less than a guy like me, the problem is such guys like Diyo are so expensive. They demand patience, patince and more patience.
The Reason:
I was designed for one person just like Adam was designed for Marry. God is the one to decide when it's the right time for me to have a woman in my life, i am not expecting you to understand this now but let me tell you; In life there are only two ways. One is so broard and a multitude of people are on it. It is so nice to be in this road and in it there is no law, you do whatever you like as much as you want it, indeed it is fashionable. The only thing that is not good about it is the fact that it leads to eternal DEATH. Then thre is this narrow road that very few people are walking on it. It is so hard to walk, especially if you are living in this world. What's good about it is the fact that it leads to knowledge, the truth and ERTENAL LIFE. I prefar walking in this road as erternal life is just what I'm looking forward to.
I ended our relationship because I understood I had to wait, and God will be the one to tell when it's time and to give me the one especially designed for me. I swear he knows I love you. I'd love to spend my life with you but that shouldn't be what I'm concerned about. his word said "Seek His kingdom first and the rest will be added to your life" so mine is so search him and "you" if it's you, will be added in my life.
Just can't re-read this. forgive me if there are any errors"
I'm still in disbelief I said all this to a woman I loved. Especially at the age of 19...  LOL. It's really not funny though. I guess it was really hard being in Khanyisile's shoes back then. I still wonder how she broke the news to her friends, and how she comprehended all this.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


As a young boy growing up in the township, from lower primary, through HP, right to high school, I have learned one huge lesson when it comes to the matters of the heart. Loving someone doesn't always call for a romantic relationship. This lesson didn't drop like a bomb in my mind; I came to realize it through the humiliation my heart went through as I fell for one girl to the next.

I was doing grade three when I first met a woman I would have loved calling my wife. I wrote her love letters and she returned them. I was too young to have a dream back then, so she was my fantasy. I use to think about her every night when I go to bed and in the morning when I woke. I knew very little about God back then, but I took time to pray for her. I loved with an innocent heart, the nature of love that's not related to knowledge, wealth, or achievements. I loved that young woman simply because I did, not because I knew why.

Maturity began the day I realize I wasn't really going to marry that young lady. Some might say that's when reality stroke. I'd like to think that's when the innocent of young love got contaminated. According to the English dictionary, to contaminate is to make (something) dangerous, dirty, or impure by adding something harmful or undesirable to it.

The moment we allow external factors like age, achievements, level of education, faith, etc. to determine whether we want to be with someone or not, that's the moment we lose the purity of love. Thinking of the very 1st person we ever fell in love with as kids, we all can determine where we lost the love we all seem not to believe in.

We have been made to believe that the ultimate expression of love toward someone is marrying them. I can't agree any less to that. However we need to approach love as a concept that's beyond just romance but as a way of relating to the people around us, and that's the whole point I'm trying to make here. While this sounds much easier in theory, it is often hard in practise, particularly when a guy loves women outside of a relationship.

I personally have loved women, lots of them. Some of my good friends I've been with at crucial stages in my life were women. I'm talking about the year I did my grade 11 and matric, my 2nd year at varsity, my 1st year at College after I dropped out at varsity. Most of my friendships were mistaken as affairs, which didn't bother me so much.

Having had plentiful female friends, I learn to understand and appreciate women, love them for who they are, envision the worse, hope for the best, and most of all; settle for what's on offer without a spark of dissatisfaction.

I believe in love, all sorts of love. I love love and I love loving it. It's such an awesome feeling I'd love to share with the rest of the world. I love the way it's confuse and fascinate people. I find pleasure in all love-related concepts, and I'd like the world to know that.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I kissed a girl in my dream
My dream girl
The woman of my dreams
The kiss was shorter than I wanted it to be
But longer than I expected
It was a brief deep kiss
I kissed a girl in my dream

We shared a hug at daylight
It was warmer than the sunlight
It was the highlight of my night
She offered more than the comfort
I experienced a golden touch in my sleep
It was more awesome than a wedding cake
It was a dream touch in the dreamland of my sleep
I kissed a girl in my sleep
My dream girl
The woman of my deams

It was a skin on skin kinda kiss
I exposed my tongue onto her saliva
I was more than willing... I was winning
It was more explicit than a sextape
I still wish for a clip
I still feel her tongue rushing through my mouth
My lips, her lips
My chest, her breast
My hands, her hips
In my sleep we did it all

I kissed a girl in my dream
My dream girl
The woman of my dreams
She held me close
I held her tight
I swallowed herself into my heart
Just for a sec I felt complete
It was one plus one that made us one
I felt her blood rush in my veins
My hear-beat kick was not in vain
The song I heard I wish to play
The kiss I shared I wish to keep
For another day or year or life

I kissed a girl in my dream
My dream girl
The woman of my dreams
The distinction between dreams and reality is huge
But still I dream my dream could live
I got effort to put
Mind to think
Time to invest
Desires to fullfil
Feelings to express
A woman to impress
Weaknesses to overcome
Love to give
Wedding to attend
And a lifetime to share

I kissed a girl in my dream
My dream girl
The woman of my dreams

Saturday, June 7, 2014


I'd like to think of a bible as a God-inspired book, a book that carries the good and sacred news. Having paged it for some time, it never ceases to amaze me how explicit it can put the sensitive scriptures at times. I'm no really an analyst when it comes into matters of the God's word, but I couldn't hold myself back when it mentioned the phrase "Lips of a seductive woman."
Certainly every dude, or at least most of us as guys, would like to know what the bible got to say about this fascinating limb of a woman, especially the seductive woman. Well, to your surprise the scripture does mention that the lips of a seductive woman are as sweet as honey. Personally I can't agree any less. I mean, we all want a piece of that honeycomb at one point or another. A typical dude will always seek to suck all the juices on those lips dripping limitless honey. The wisest and richest King Solomon might have witnessed some crazy romance in his lifetime to scribble such explicit proverbs.
Having mentioned how juicy the lips of a seductive woman are, it didn't surprise me when King Solo mentioned that even "her speech is as smooth as oil." Sounds like a typical girl you've met, isn't? Probably your ex or even yourself my sister, LOL… Kidding. Jokes aside, but we've all met a chick of this calibre, they’re not hard to find, not soooo hard to get, but extreme to keep, or even to please on a long-term basis. Personally I haven't had much luck (if I can put it that way) when it comes to them, but I must confess I've desired such women, even lusted after them.
You see, romance really does make the world go round, or at least the mind. It has got some of us moving from one relationship to the next, while some of us have chosen to remain single, so we can chow whatever get into our plate. It doesn’t astonish me that some people think romance/sexual performance is the key factor that can keep a relationship going. I mean, how often you have heard a woman saying "Coz I satisfy you, why you are doing this to me?" This is caused by the belief that sexual satisfaction is all man are looking for, pity this isn’t the truth.
The turn around in this scripture is on the mention that, indeed, though her lips are as sweet as honey, her speech smooth as oil, but her steps could possibly lead to death. I hope King Solo was not meaning the cat walk here (Joking). Well... we all love women or at least I do. Further readings of the scripture could confirm that indeed it's not wrong to love women; beautiful, sexy or even seductive women. It's just the way we do it.

A wise man once said that God use sex to drive men into marriage. So I guess every man should have that one woman in her life to satisfy all her "dirty" desires, and that woman is called wife. Yes we all love playing around, it's fun, silly, and to some extent it’s childish. But at some stage each one of us would have to man up, do the right thing, have that one, and I mean one, special someone you'll call wife, or husband.

We can't chase after those seductive lips forever. Otherwise if you still chasing them, good luck, I hope it won't be too late when you start looking for a way out. My advice is; Be smart, read scriptures, and tell wrong from right. If by any chance I have wronged anyone through this post, God have mercy on me.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I'm often identified as a flirt and I've learned to accept it. So it’s safe to say I am a flirt, apparently. I wasn't born as one, most of the so called flirt who dwells in me is so much rooted in my personality, my ability to easily relate with the feminine, and the way I appreciate woman. It all has to do with my feelings and the way I relate to them. So let's unpack my feelings and possibly meanings if we can.
One fact I can't run away from is; I love girls. A friend of mine called Pholani, often sugar-quote this fact as simple as "Diyo love women.” Well, to some extent it's safe to say I love women, because I actually do, but specifically my heart is more into girls, my peers.
My perception of loving girls is slightly strange from that of an average person if not completely different. I must admit I have noticed the effect it has on the individuals when they hear that I love them. It's quite strange how girls associate the phrase "I love you" with commitment, intimacy, romance, and relationships. In fact these phrases are the first to occupy a woman's mind the first instance they hear these three magic words, I - LOVE - YOU.
Girls often rush into being defensive immediately they hear that someone loves them, without even taking a moment to appreciate that they are being loved. I often wonder where this fear of being loved generates from. Well, that's another topic, for another day.
As for me, loving someone is exactly that - LOVING SOMEONE. It's an innocent feeling that shouldn't be mistaken for something that's not it. Love is a natural feeling that generates from ones heart which should neither be explained nor suppressed. It's a feeling that should be shared and embraced. Communicating the feeling of love shouldn't reflect a call into commitment unless stated otherwise.
I strongly feel we should get used to the culture of loving and appreciating one another at the level of acquaintance and friendship. One should not be called into some form of commitment to experience what love is. Love is a feeling and it should be viewed as exactly that, not some set up between two people who intend to achieve some form of private amusement.
Our generation is likely to miss out from the pleasures of genuine love that is not associated with some degree of commitment and expectations. Love that voluntarily generates from within without being forcefully installed into one’s mind with a specified expected response and reaction. Let’s look around us, find people to love and love them, before someone invite us into something they’ve decided to label as love, while it’s actually not. You already know what love is, stop trying to explain it, just respond to it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

She Inspired My Best Poem - Maybe

 I've always had a soft spot for my friend, my female friend, Thobeka Sithole. Even as I begin typing this post I can sense a huge cloud of love taking over my heart. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who understands this feeling, a feeling that shouldn't be either hidden or explained, a state of being. That's friendship love according to me.

Thobeka is a young, fairly beautiful and much conservative girl who lives by my place in the neighbourhood. She came into the hood to start and complete her high school education. She was a class behind me and we didn't go to the same high school. Being ahead of her, I went to varsity first.

While I was on my 2nd year at UKZN, she asked if I can help her apply at the university and I had to say yes. This was simply because it comes natural for us varsity students to desire to help the new entrants to varsity that comes after us. I knew helping Thobeka was going to be a pleasant journey, as before this I had never been close to her.

We started off well, as I helped her from identifying the relevant courses and institutions she could possibly pursue, filling in of forms, mailing to Central Applications Office, to awaiting the responses. It all went well. Everything seemed according, until she had to visit home in rural areas, where she stayed a little longer than I expected.

I began to be concerned if she was following through with CAO. On the 31st of December, I had a great concern about the follow ups with CAO and the status of her application that I had to call her around 10 O'clock in the morning. It was a brief call, it was to the point. So she promised to come back to the hood ASAP and deal with the "varsity" issue.

It was just after this call that I caught myself saying "Maybe I'm too serious about this friendship". I immediately sensed weirdness and contrary in this statement. How can I be "too serious" about "this" friendship? On top of being weird, I also noticed this statement was poetic, and so immediately I started scribbling a poem and commenced with exactly the phrase "Maybe I'm too serious about this friendship".

One thing one should note is that all that the poem says after that was not specifically talking about the nature of a friendship I had with Thobeka, and the poem doesn't necessarily speak to her. However, it shouldn't be overlooked that the poem was fully triggered by her. I cannot take away the credit from my friend for inspiring such a wonderful piece of art.

This poem is highly loved and cherished by multitudes, and has installed thousands of smiles to a plentiful guys and girls out there. Never even for a single day have I taken time to alert people about the inspiration behind this poem, so it was of great importance to me that I do this.

I am also thankful to Thobeka Sithole for inspiring such a wonderful poem. I earnestly love her for that and she will always be my friend, if not more. I hope God keep her for longer and make her a great inspiration to the world out there.

Thobeka Sithole. A girl from the neighbourhood who inspired one classical poem I ever wrote. I salute you friend. Uthando novuyo.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Time flies when you are having fun, so our beloved friends claim. Well, fun or not, sometimes time just flies. Wasn't it yesterday when I kick-started this blog? Before you know, I'm a father.

For me it's been a weird experience, a journey indeed. I must confess it hasn’t been much of an easy one, to an extent that I haven't mentioned a word about it, not even a Facebook wall post. To imagine I didn't even say a word about pregnancy. Let alone telling the world that the dude is a father now. Some would claim I was ashamed or any negative energy around that. Truth is it was the question of values, self-worth of my child and a bit of privacy.

I mean I didn't even know his values, his personality and how would he feel about being in the eyes of the public from birth. I can't even begin to mention how strict I was regarding who get to have his pictures when my son was born. How I emphasized I was going to “kill” anyone who would have published his pictures of Social Networks, all because I wanted him to have his privacy.

My son is a big boy now. 7 months and 2 Weeks old, he has the world under his feet. He's one active person I've had to meet in my family... hyperactive and with a very sharp brain, a big smile and a broader voice, just like daddy.

A lot is yet to unfold, and I'm confident he'll have it all under control as he grows and matures. Being my son, it's no question a lot is expected of him, but as for now, absolutely no pressure. I am patiently waiting to see him grow and make his own personalised choices in life. He’s got all the guidance he'll ever ask for from daddy, and of course her mom, Nomzamo Mthembu (My girlfriend).

To him, son, daddy knows one day you'll grow up and be able to read this blog post, maybe mom will read it for you once or twice before then. Just know, daddy loves you, and he'll never do anything to hurt you in life. Take charge; grow up to be no one but yourself. The world is yours and it's yours for the taking. Same goes to all your friends out there you are yet to meet. Have courage and possess the spirit of taking over, it's all in those big brains beneath that thin skull.
Much love son… Brains Busa Sokhela.


Daddy Dee.