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from: | Siyabonga Sokhela sokhelasg@gmail.com | ||
to: | Khanyisile Willem <209199555 cput.ac.za="">209199555> | ||
date: | Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 4:12 PM | ||
subject: | No Crushs | ||
mailed-by: | gmail.com | ||
"One thing I can confirm is the fact that non of us was the reason for us to esparate and I think the fact that we are still communicating is the evidence.
My intention was not to hurt you. I actually wanted the best for the two of us and I triely believe that what we gonna get. according to the world there is no actual reason why we should separate but considering the fact that I am a christian, there are reasons. I understands you dont like it when I refar to the word of God but the truth is; it is the central part of my life. I no longer live just in my flesh but in the spirit also.
Indeed we had a wonderful relationship, I'm happy of all things that happened between us, it would be a great pleasure if we can do it again in future, but then it should be done in the "christian" way. indeed you are a great woman and you deserve nothing less than a guy like me, the problem is such guys like Diyo are so expensive. They demand patience, patince and more patience.
The Reason:
I was designed for one person just like Adam was designed for Marry. God is the one to decide when it's the right time for me to have a woman in my life, i am not expecting you to understand this now but let me tell you; In life there are only two ways. One is so broard and a multitude of people are on it. It is so nice to be in this road and in it there is no law, you do whatever you like as much as you want it, indeed it is fashionable. The only thing that is not good about it is the fact that it leads to eternal DEATH. Then thre is this narrow road that very few people are walking on it. It is so hard to walk, especially if you are living in this world. What's good about it is the fact that it leads to knowledge, the truth and ERTENAL LIFE. I prefar walking in this road as erternal life is just what I'm looking forward to.
I ended our relationship because I understood I had to wait, and God will be the one to tell when it's time and to give me the one especially designed for me. I swear he knows I love you. I'd love to spend my life with you but that shouldn't be what I'm concerned about. his word said "Seek His kingdom first and the rest will be added to your life" so mine is so search him and "you" if it's you, will be added in my life.
Just can't re-read this. forgive me if there are any errors"
I'm still in disbelief I said all this to a woman I loved. Especially at the age of 19... LOL. It's really not funny though. I guess it was really hard being in Khanyisile's shoes back then. I still wonder how she broke the news to her friends, and how she comprehended all this.
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