Monday, August 6, 2018


It feels my writing capabilities are under threat whenever I fail to produce fresh material for my blog. Contrary to what one may believe, the ideas are always flowing, except they may end up in conversations or simply being run pass the mind. Knowing I am yet to write a book, the idea of not writing threatens the sh_t out of me. A lot of times I feel I should already be having more than one book on shelf.

A lot had been happening in my life in the past eighteen months or so. All of which didn’t cut it to my blog. Though I may not be literally writing on my personal life, all of my writings are reflections or lessons from my own life. If one look closely to them they could eventually see through me. That’s the life of a writer in a nutshell. Their writings will always tell you a lot about them.

And so… here we are. Rejourneying through the lessons and reflections of a commoner who shares a piece of his own life with a tool we have been accustomed to call a pen… or rather blog. Through these writings I hope you can reflect on your very own experiences and try to make the best of them, pardon yourself where you might have imagined to be your worst, perceive life’s shortcomings before they come to pass and make the best of the moment we call now. It’s the realest thing to ever exist.

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